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Friday, March 13, 2015

We're Home. Again.

We're winning the battle against the boxes and every day it looks less like a scene from COPS ("Bad boys, bad boys...") and more like a home. Hooray and come visit - our guest book even has an entry.

Truth be told, the snow melted days ago and we're all tulips and raindrops (a proper March, I suppose) but these snowy scenes of our early days in the yard are ones I don't want to forget.

Last weekend the Mister and Big Brother set off out the back door for a long hike. They explored stone walls and found all sorts of animal tracks. Our new house being on 3 acres (!) makes me fear we'll never ever get the smalls back to urban life. But for now, we know they'll thrive in this backyard. Exploring nature and getting plenty dirty in wide open spaces. Fresh air. A break.

We keep saying that we're going to hang pictures (Yes, FAP. You've always been right on that account - when pictures are up you DO feel really at home) but most nights find us running out of steam. Maybe still spent by the ongoing nature of daily life and the still tricky parts of finding things. That are here. Somewhere. Suffice to say that 3 children here have already been the lucky recipients of new cleats. We've completely defied the axiom that no one actually purchases cleats, they just wear old ones. Apparently unless you've just moved.

The unpacking is well underway. Our favorite toys and totems have been unearthed. We've eaten dinners at our old Marshall Field table (even if we haven't found the drawers). We're finding our way and happily so. It is a joy to see this house embrace a new family and for our family to settle into its spaces. Big Sister said it perfectly this week: "Our house really fits us."

Indeed. It is good to be home. Again.

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